How to Claim Pending Robux: Simple Steps

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In this guide, you will learn How to Claim Pending Robux on Roblox. Robux is used as a currency on Roblox and this Robux help to purchase something on the platform to make your gaming experience much better. 

When you earn some Robux on the platform, they are stored or added to your profile wallet. Sometimes, users may see that some Robux are pending in status. In this guide, we will tell you how you can claim these Robux and get them to your account.

But, do you know, what the meaning of pending Robux is and when this situation comes? No, let’s see.

What does Pending Robux mean on Roblox?

Pending Robux means the Robux is not added to your account yet. This usually happens when you earn Robux from Experience Pass sales or donations. This pending status is also called escrow. 

Now, let’s see how you can claim pending Robux and get them to your account to use them for your purchase on Roblox.

How to Claim Pending Robux?

How to Claim Pending Robux

This process is very simple, you just have to perform these steps:

  • Head over to the Robux icon top right corner of the screen, and click on it.
  • Here you can see all your pending Robux.
  • To see donations that you have earned, click on the summary menu and select the ‘Sales of Goods’ option from the list.
  • Here, you can find a list of people who have given you donations.
  • After 5 to 7 days, all the pending Robux will be added to your account, and once they are added, you can use them for your purchases.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some questions related to Robux, have a look at these.

What are Robux and how I can use them?

In a single line, Robux is a currency that is used on Roblox to make payments of purchases. To know in detail, read- What are Robux and How to Use Them?

How long does it take to claim your pending Robux?

It usually takes 5 to 7 days to deposit pending Robux to your Roblox account. But in some cases, it may take a longer time such as if Roblox detects that the purchase involves any kind of suspicious activity. If it is taking more than 10 days, contact Roblox.

Can I Earn Free Robux?

Yes, you can earn free Robux but, the process of earning free Robux is tricky and lengthy.

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