How to open the Control Panel in Windows 10 (8 Methods)

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You all know that the Control panel is a very useful tool for changing any application, uninstalling any unwanted application, or managing any application on your computer. When you want to change your system settings then it plays a very important role, it helps you to do so. If you are looking for the hacks of How to open the Control Panel in Windows 10? There are many hacks to access your control panel but, in this guide, we’ll discuss some very easy and tricky methods which will help you. So let’s start –

How to open the Control Panel

Methods, we’ll discuss in this tutorial:

  1. Open the CP from the Start Menu.
  1. Open CP From the Cortana Search.
  1. From the Run Dialog box.
  1. Using the Command Prompt.
  1. From the Taskbar.
  1. Using the Settings.
  1. Click Drop-down Arrow in File Explorer to open the CP.
  1. Click Up Arrow in File Explorer to open it.

Open the Control Panel from the Start Menu

To open the control panel from the start menu, click on the Start button then click on the All Apps or programs, now a list of all programs will appear in front of you, scroll it to find the CP. 

open CP from Start Menu

From the Cortana Search

Click on the Cortana icon, type Control panel in the search bar then hit the Enter button. Now select the control panel from the search result.

How to open Control Panel

Open CP from the Run Dialog box

Press the ‘Win+R’ together to open the Run Dialog box then type ‘Control panel’ in it and hit the Enter button. The CP will open.

Open CP from the Run Dialog box

Using the Command Prompt

Open the command prompt and then type the Control panel and then hit the ENTER button. The CP will open.

How to open Control Panel

Open CP from the Taskbar

To open the control panel from this method, just follow these steps-

  • Make a right-click on the taskbar.
  • Go to the toolbar then click on the Desktop.
How to open Control Panel
  • Now the Desktop toolbar is added to the taskbar.
  • Now click on it, a list will appear, and then select Control Panel from the list.

Using the Settings

Press ‘Windows+I’ together to open the settings.

How to open Control Panel

Type Control panel in the search box situated in the upper right corner of the screen. Now a search result will appear, choose the CP from the appearing result and click on it to open.

Click Drop-down Arrow in File Explorer to open the CP

Go to the file explorer then click on the arrow shown in the figure and then select the control panel from the drop-down and click on it. It will open the CP too.

Click Drop-down Arrow in File Explorer

Click Up Arrow in File Explorer to open Controle Panel

Same as the above method, go to the file explorer and keep clicking the Up arrow until you get the Desktop folder. Now you can select the control panel option from here and then click on this to open it.

Click Up Arrow in File Explorer

Hope this article helps you to know the methods to open the CP. Thanks…

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