Amazon Prime is an online streaming platform that is used by millions of people from all over the world. Sometimes, users may face errors and issues from their own end and sometimes from Amazon’s end. Some users are facing Amazon Prime Error Code 5004 on their screens and eagerly looking for a solution.
If you are also getting the same error code then, read this guide till the end, and surely, you will be able to resolve this issue from your screen.
What is Amazon Prime Error Code 5004?
Getting Amazon Prime Error Code 5004 on your screen indicates that either the email ID or password you are entering to sign in is wrong. Sometimes, Expired Amazon Prime membership, corrupted cookies, and cached data may also cause this error code. So, to prevent this error code, make sure you are using the right email id and password. In addition, you should also check your membership and should clear the application cache data.
People use online streaming platforms to overcome their stress but, sometimes, they may face an error code. But, if you are here then, this is sure that you will get a satisfactory solution to any error code.
The solution of this error code is hidden in its definition which is explained above. But, if you are unable to understand properly then, below are explained solutions are given. You should follow these solutions to fix this error code.
What to do when Amazon Prime Error Code 5004 arises?
As we have mentioned in its definition this error code indicates that a wrong email ID or password is being entered, so first, you should check your password and email id.

You should try to sign in to Amazon with the same email id and password. By doing this, you can be sure that the email id and the password are either correct or not. Just open Amazon in a new tab and sign in using the same email and password.
If you are facing any trouble signing in then, you can click on the forget password option. By doing this, a password reset link will be sent to the registered mail ID by Amazon.
By clicking on this link, you can change the password. After that, try to sign in to your Amazon Prime account using this password.
If still facing the issue then, you should try to reach out to professionals by visiting the Amazon Forum site.
Note: In addition to fixing this error code, you should also check your prime membership and also, clear the application cache.
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