What it is and why is it used? Useful news for website owners!

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What is and why is it used

What is and why is it used? Here is great news for all the website owners who have this question in their mind.

Are you a website owner and have you recently or ever received traffic from this URL- 

Well, you are not the only one with whom this is happening.

As a website owner, you must be aware of your traffic source whether it is good for your website or it is going to harm your webpage in any way. 

If your webpage gets traffic from, you should know about this URL.

This is a domain that is in association with the Microsoft UHRS (Universal Human Relevance System) platform. This domain is designed to perform several tasks such as data labeling, content moderation, and other human intelligence tasks.

In straightforward words, the URL is an A.I. page that sends traffic to your web pages to scan them.

Some users have reported that after seeing traffic from this URL, their website gets deindexed from Bing, Yahoo, and other Microsoft search engines. 

Well, it may be because the URL is designed to scan webpages and if it finds policy violations, your site may be removed from the Bing search engine.

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