The zoom application has a lot of features and errors as well. Recently, Zoom Error Code 3003 has started bothering many users. Somehow, if you too, getting this error code and willing to fix this error code then, our guide will help you.
What does Zoom Error Code 3003 mean?
Zoom Error Code 3003 means that the person who is clicking on the invitation link that is sent to be a co-host is not a primary host. In other words, if a user is a regular meeting participant and getting an invitation link to be a co-host then, that user may face this error code when the user clicks on that link.
The error message may appear as “not meeting host. (3,003)”.
How to Fix Zoom Error Code 3003

To do a zoom conference call user need to be a primary host. If a user is a primary host then he can assign another participant as a co-host. When a host creates a new co-host, Zoom creates a new link that is specific to that new co-host and must be shared with the other participants by that co-host.
The link follows a specific format which is as follows:
You can copy this and paste it on a notepad. Then, delete the /meeting/ and replace it with /j/ so now the new link will look like this: number)
Now, you can join the meeting without getting error code 3003.
Alternate Method
You can follow these steps to create a co-host:
- At the bottom of the Zoom window, click on Manage Participants on the meeting controls.
- Next, select the name of the person which you would like to be the co-host and then, click on the More option.
- Now, select the Make Co-Host option.
Other Zoom Errors
Zoom Error Code 3000
Zoom Error Code 1006