The Finals is the latest free-to-play first-person shooter game by Embark Studios. So when you are ready to enjoy your game and jump into the world of shooters out there at that time a random error interrupts you from enjoying your game and states that the client can’t connect you to the server.

If the same situation is happening with you, don’t worry you were not the only one who faced this.
The situation we are talking about referred to as “The Finals error code TGFE0001” is an error that appears when you attempt to find a game.
What Does the Finals Error Code TGFE0001 Say, and What Causes It?
The error code TGFE0001 says – “Server not responding; we cannot connect you to a match,” and can be a result of a temporary glitch or an overloaded or under-maintenance server. Due to this error code, users are unable to find a game to play. Apart from server issues, your unstable/slow internet can also be responsible for this error. Another possible reason is crossplay.
Troubleshooting The Finals Error Code TGFE0001
Since there are other possibilities for this error code to appear other than a server-side problem, instead of staying calm and waiting for the error to resolve, you have some simple troubleshooting steps that you can try. These are given below –
Restart the game
Sometimes a simple restart can solve many major problems, hence the error code TGFE0001. So before trying something sophisticated try this simple solution – close the game and launch it again to give it a fresh start with a second attempt to connect to its servers.
Refresh Your Internet Connection
The other simple solution is to refresh your internet connectivity because sometimes, the error code TGFE0001 is caused by a client-side network problem. You solve this problem by giving a fresh start to your internet connection.
So you need to disconnect your Internet device from the power source and wait for a few minutes before reconnecting it to ensure that the network is completely reset, then try queuing again.
Solve Issues With Your VPN
If you are using a VPN, try to change your region because it might be connected to a region where the game is restricted or unsupported.
Other things to consider- try to turn off your VPN properly and if necessary try for a different VPN to get rid of your issue.
Make Sure You Are Using Updated Version Of the Game
If you have an outdated version of the finals you might face the error code TGFE0001, try to install the latest version of the game.
Uninstall the outdated version and install the latest version of the game from the game store.
Verify Integrity Of The Game Files
Use the game platform (steam, epic) to verify and repair the game files.
Right-click on the game in your library> choose properties> local files and then verify the integrity of game files.
Disable Crossplay
Most of the users get rid of the error code TGFE0001 by simply turning off the crossplay in the game settings.
- Open the Game Settings menu in the top right of the main menu.
- Select the Gameplay tab.
- Under the Network section, set Crossplay to “Off.”
If nothing works
If you still facing the error code TGFE0001 there might be other possibilities too – you might be temporarily banned – this happens to you only if you have a history of abandoning matches.
If this happened with you wait until the ban is lifted.
It’s a server’s end issue so don’t worry and try to fix the error TGFE0001 with the help of above mentioned suggestions for you.
Remember to stay active on the THE FINALS SERVER STATUS to get the latest information related to the game and servers as well.
Visit to see if there is any server maintenance under process.