Are you encountering Tangerine Error Code 9999? Are you unable to log in? A lot of users are troubled and don’t have proper information on this error code.
We have collected some information that will be good for you to understand exactly what this error code is and how you could resolve this.
Tangerine Error Code 9999 usually appears when users try to log in. So, in straight words, this implies a sign-in issue. The error code comes with the message- “the function is currently unavailable, try again or call.”
This seems like there is an issue from the Tangerine end as the message says, there is an issue in the functionality.
Fix: “Tangerine Error Code 9999.”
The error code itself says that there is an issue from the Tangerine end, so to fix this error, you could only wait till the developers rectify the issue.
Check Server Status

Most commonly, the error code 9999 on Tangerine could be a result of server issues with the platform.
Issues with the servers could happen due to heavy traffic or some maintenance activities.
Sometimes, heavy traffic landed on the platform, and due to that, the servers could feel the extra load and may go down for a while. Meanwhile, your login could be denied.
So, checking the server status could make you feel better to get the satisfaction that the issue is not from your end while it is totally from the Tangerine end.
To check the Tangerine server status, you can land on this website.
Now, the question is what to do if there is a server outage with the Tangerine?🤔
- You can’t do anything, the Tangerine developers will do. They will look into the issue and will soon resolve it also.
So, wait and try after some time.
Other than this, you can go with another workaround, which is mentioned below👇
Switch to Another Browser
For many users, this workaround proved helpful as they switched their browsers and the error code disappeared.
So, as a solution- if there are no server issues, you can use this trick.
If you are using Chrome, switch to Firefox or any other browser.
👉 One other workaround that I would recommend is to clear your browser cache & cookies data.
For Chrome users,
- Click on the three dots at the top right corner of your browser screen.
- Go to the more tools and click on clear browsing data.
- Select the time range and check the boxes next to the options “Cookies and other site data” and “Cached images and files”.
- Next, click on clear data.
Final Words…
The error 9999 on Tangerine is not a result of your fault, it is from Tangerine. So, you can wait till they look into the issue and resolve it as soon as possible.
However, for many users, some other acts helped that is mentioned right in this article.
So, you could try them also and tell us if they have helped you too or not.
You can also get in touch with Tangerine support to know more.