Zoom Error Code 1006 indicates that you have donned some incorrect system configuration settings or some improper entries in your Windows registry. Repairing the registry is the most reliable method to fix this error code. You can perform registry repair manually but, sometimes, you may need to do this via a Tool.
Causes of Error Code 1006 on Zoom
Error Code 1006 on Zoom, triggers due to some damaged system files, corrupted system entries, incorrect installation, or uninstallation of some applications that may affect your registry.

How to Fix Zoom Error 1006?
To fix this error code manually, you have to follow these steps:
1- Run Automatic Repair
- Now, Go to the Update & Security option.
- Next, from the recovery tab click on Advanced Startup -> Restart now.
- Now, click on Troubleshoot, and then from the advanced options click on Automated Repair.
- Next, log in to the account, and the Automated Repair will start now.
2- Refresh
- Follow this path: Settings-> Update and Security-> Recovery-> Get Started.
- From- Reset This PC section, click on the Get Started option, and next, click on the Keep My Files option and follow the instructions for further process.
3- Reset
Note: A Reset option may erase your personal data from your computer. So keep a Backup of your files before continuing.
- Follow this path: Settings-> Update and Security-> Recovery.
- Under the “Reset This PC” section, click on the “Get started” option and click on Remove Everything.
- Next, follow the instructions to complete the action.